Flutter 2.0 — An All-New Package with Features and Benefits

Ivan Applab
3 min readSep 20, 2021

Upon its initial release in 2017, Flutter quickly rose to prominence among cross-platform mobile development frameworks. In early beta, Google looked into Flutter for Web. And certainly, we’re excited to see what the technology can bring after it’s been improved on.

The introduction of Flutter 2.0 was preceded by a lot of hard effort. More than 24.5 thousand bugs were addressed in Flutter 2.0, by various flutter app development companies. The community came together to create a new framework. Due to its speed and portability, Flutter 2 is a great tool for creating dazzling applications.

New Features of Flutter 2

1. Flutter’s web support

There is a lot of emphasis on depicting accuracy. HTML renderer benefited by the addition of a CanvasKit-based renderer. Adaptations of rendering models are being made for mobile applications.

In other words, with flutter app development services your programme runs on a mobile browser using an HTML renderer, while desktop browsers utilise CanvasKit. Better results have been achieved as a result of this strategy.

2. Safety

As a programming language, Dart has been enhanced with this feature. With Flutter 2.0, you have the option of choosing what is non-nullable.

3. The new version for Desktop

A number of upgrades have led to this improvement. Editing text is a native experience across all devices, including iOS and Android. When dragging something with the mouse, there is no delay in the input. They’re not the only ones, though. In addition to the scrollbars, there are several more advances.

4. The adaptability of apps to any platform

Flutter 2’s key feature is adaptability. This is demonstrated with a multi-platform app called Flutter Folio. As a result, Folio appears good on a variety of screens, which is exactly what people expect from flutter app development services.

5. Google Mobile Ads for Flutter

There was previously a version of Google Mobile Ads for Flutter in beta. AdMob and AdManager will be supported by this plugin. Tests conducted in the past have revealed an increased level of efficiency and monetization potential for applications.

6. Expansion and Betterment of iOS features

Cupertino-related iOS widgets were added to the app. They make it easier to create correct form fields.

7. Autocomplete and ScaffoldMessenger

Automatic completion and SnackBar concerns are addressed in this release.

8. Add-to-app

As a result of this capability of flutter app development services, code can be reused on iOS and Android while still keeping the native codebase.

9. Flutter Fix

Flutter Fix allows a broad community of developers to improve the framework without making any modifications to Flutter’s API.

10. Flutter DevTools

Debugging is much easier thanks to new tools.

Benefits of Using Flutter 2

Dart 2.13

Flutter 2.2 is included in Dart 2.13. There’s also a new aliases feature for types and functions in this Dart release.

Web Page Updates

To utilise an app once it has been updated, the user must wait until the updates are downloaded, but they will be notified of any updates without needing another manual page refresh.

Platform adaptive apps

The more platforms that flutter app development services support, the more useful it becomes to consider apps that support not only different form factors, such as mobile, tablet and desktop but also different input types (touch vs. mouse+keyboard) and platforms with different idioms, such as navigation drawers vs. menus for navigating.

Better Text Handling

Developers have begun reworking the handling of text input in this version, enabling features such as cancelling a keystroke as it pops up the widget hierarchy and allowing users to freely modify keystrokes associated with text actions.

Automatic scrolling behaviour

Because developers are always striving to make Flutter apps act as the greatest apps on each platform, they reconsidered scrollbars in the latest release. When the content of desktop software is larger than the container, a scrollbar is usually immediately displayed.

You can do more and more with flutter app development services as it evolves, but it’s still not acceptable to suggest that Flutter can be used for any form of app development project, no matter how big or small it may be.

Due to Flutter’s long history of support and polish, it’s unlikely you’ll run across a mobile problem that Flutter isn’t up to the task of solving. All the essentials are already in place.



Ivan Applab

AppLab, an organization that is one step ahead with its innovative mobility solutions. Reach us @ https://www.ivanapplab.com/